If you've begun to spot the tell-tale signs of rising damp- peeling wallpaper, dark stains or a musty smell- it's important not to delay action. A quicker response time generally translates to a lower cost of treatment and less damage, such as timber infestation, so get in touch with the experts at Whittle Damp Proofing straight away. The type of damp proofing treatment varies depending on your construction type, and we offer FREE surveys and advice on the best course of action.
Treatments which last
Once the damp proofing treatment is complete and the damaged areas repaired, you need to know that you've seen the last of the damp. That's why we offer 30 year guarantees on all of our work. We believe in the effectiveness of our treatments- let us show you why.
The effects of rising damp:
- Damage to your health through breathing damp air
- Devaluation of your property
- Dry rot, wet rot and timber infestation
- Heat loss though increased conductivity, so increased bills
Ensuring structural stability in Preston, Chorley and across Lancashire
As well as offering long-lasting solutions to rising damp, we offer wall tie inspection and repair. Call for more information or to arrange an inspection of your property.